16th March 2020

I may not have mentioned the boiler room – it’s very large and has staging all round. The toys we’ve brought down for kids to play with have gone in there as has the new bedding and the old stuff we’ve brought from the flat. There’s also lots of sunbed mattresses and cushions for the outside furniture, so we don’t even have to think about them.

Mike has started to cut down the metal staging for the larder, makes a horrid noise as he saws away at it. I’m going to Lidl for a few more things as the news gets grimmer. There’s not many people about and certainly no panic buying. It’s a bit eerie to see people wearing masks and wiping trolley handles. I wore gloves and tried to turn away from anyone I had to pass in the store. When I got back the staging was in place, looks great and I have a store cupboard, a larder in fact. All the backup food and drink went in there as there is very little room in the cavern kitchen.

the smart new larder

It’s raining and cold today, very different from yesterday. Mike’s preparing the big bedroom downstairs for painting white. It’s a depressing blue at the moment, needs brightening up. He’s wearing the fetching painting outfit he sported yesterday. He looks very desirable – not!

Dave didn’t come today to start the kitchen. Disappointing, maybe because he came here on Friday to fit the cooker and clear the kitchen, he had to put in more time at the job he was on before.

We still have no wifi, Orange keep assuring me it will be there but there is a fault outside the property, nothing to do with us, maybe tomorrow.