15th March 2020

It’s warmer today, thank goodness. Ok to be outside and in, without a coat on. Mike starts to empty the van and I take 4 bags and boxes of crockery, cutlery and other kitchen/dining room stuff upstairs. We bought all the furniture from the previous owners and there’s a sideboard and glass fronted cabinet, so all the stuff will disappear away when I’ve got time to do it. Then I go down to see all our other possessions strewn outside in the sunshine. What a mess! Some of the bedding is damp, but that’s fine the sun will air it. The worse thing is that the little fridge door in the van has been closed over the winter and the inside is covered in advanced mould. I thought it had been left open but we piled so much in the van that it was forced shut.

I spent the afternoon cleaning the whole van out including the fridge. The silver lining was that there was another bottle of gin in it, so I think we are well set up now. I set the van back up as a home again, made the bed, cleaned the bathroom, but I should think that the chances of us getting away in it this year with the virus taking a hold badly in France, is nada, zilch. We’ll see, we don’t even know if there are any cases in this area.

While we were unpacking, I looked at the cupboard under the stairs. It’s dirty, dingy and a totally wasted space. Mike thought it only needed a sweep out but after a bit of bickering he’s agreed to paint it. Every time I go into the house for more water or a cup of tea, he’s painting and grumbling, grumbling and painting, covered in a black bin bag with holes cut out for head and arms, a plastic bag over his hair, and listening to an album by Jules Holland and Ruby Turner on repeat. I’m not allowed to take a photo of him. The cupboard is looking miles better, even if I am sick of hearing ‘Peace in the Valley’ for the 95th time.

For someone who didn’t want to do anything with the cupboard, Mike has been converted. He’s found some staging to put in it. Needs to cut down the legs tomorrow and then it will be fine and very useful.

I haven’t mentioned the garden until now. It’s very overgrown and weedy, bit depressing, so much to do in it. I was laying out the lunch today outside and the couple from the bottom of the garden appeared, so I went over to say hello. Viv and Stuart, they seem very nice, She has a sister in Ormskirk and used to live in Liverpool. He’s from Burnley and they met in 1970 in Jersey, both working for the season. They offered lots of advice, were very friendly. Good to know they are there.

Another early night for us, exhausted again. Didn’t stop today but we got loads done.