Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction can be anything from 100 to 1000 words. I love the challenge of fitting a whole story into a few words and was lucky enough to have a story called The Massage published in https://10x10flash.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/10-by-10-%5EN-9.pdf


Short Stories

Short story ‘The Seven Ages of a Bathroom Cabinet’ shortlisted and published on https://www.kinglearprizes.org.uk/cp-shortlist-2023

Short story ‘The Parlour Game’ published in ‘Trembling With Fear’ https://horrortree.com/trembling-with-fear-9-10-23/

Short stories published in LWS Anthologies 2021, ‘22, ’23 can be obtained from https://shop.writershour.com/collections/anthology